European Antiques.

Anna Weidell loves history and she loves antiques, but mostly, she loves people and their stories. “I was a history major in college, so I have an affinity for antiques and their social history and their beauty and uniqueness, especially European antiques. My family is from Northern Italy, and I have my Italian citizenship, so there is a strong bond.” After Anna graduated from college, she spent a year in Paris, France, as an au pair, and two years in Madrid teaching English. Anna shares that while she was growing up,…

Growing Young Artists.

Wasatch County is full of emerging young artists, and 332 of them participated in this year’s Emergence Art Contest. Since its inception in 2021 the contest has continued to grow and evolve. With Angie Neuberger and Amy Taylor at the helm, this year marks another success, especially with Diana Zarrabel jumping in to help ensure everything from contest information to entry forms were available in both English and Spanish; creating an equitable opportunity for everybody. In keeping with this year’s theme Everyday Heroes,…

Ruff Work

Shepherding: the act of guiding or directing in a particular direction; to make a group of people move to where you want them to go, especially in a kind, helpful, and careful way; the tending of sheep. While shepherding has been around for millennia, historically, it is difficult to pinpoint when the first organized sheepdog trials took place. According to various sources, the sheepdog trials we are familiar with today date back to 1867 in New Zealand and 1873 in North Wales. Regardless of the exact date and location of…

Local Author, Lindsay Clyde-Flannigan

Local author, Lindsay Clyde-Flanagan remembers the first story she wrote. It was a fully illustrated masterpiece about a girl and her horse — Black Beauty. No, she didn’t plagiarize Anna Sewell; she just borrowed the horse’s name — after all, she was only in second grade. Lindsay laughs as she shares how she wishes she still had the book. More recently, she wrote another book about a girl and her horse, only this time she didn’t borrow any names. This time, she went above and beyond her second-grade little girl imaginings…

Jerry Robert Springer

How do I sum up one man’s life in a few short pages, especially one who has lived a life as full of adventure and service as Jerry Springer? I don’t. All I can do is capture bits and pieces – the moments in time that stand out – and hope those stories honor this man who has touched so many lives. Jerry’s first experience in life began with an adventure. His parents, Beryl and Tura Springer, were living in a tent cabin community near Mammoth Lakes, California. Beryl, like his father, Jeremiah (Jerry) Robey Springer, and his…

Walking in a Winter Wonderland

When Life Gives You Snow, Go Snowshoeing! Imagine,  for a moment, being surrounded by gorgeous mountain views on a crisp star-lit winter night. Huge feathery flakes twinkle as they fall, and a brilliant moon guides you along your path. Caught in the moonbeams, it appears you’re walking through a sea of diamonds instead of snow. You stop to take in the majesty of the moment, the still of the evening broken only by the crunch of snow underfoot. Soon,  shouts of ‘Welcome,’ friendly conversations, and laughter echo through the…

Jamie Harmon

When Jamie Harmon first sat down to write her children’s life stories, she had no intention of writing a book, let alone publishing one. Jamie shares what inspired her to write My Divine Identity, “I didn’t set out to write a guided journal for girls. I started writing for my children. I wasn’t able to physically have children, and I wanted more than anything to be a mom. So my husband Jeff and I gathered our family together through adoption. We adopted four children, and they are truly miracles. The process of adoption…

Liberty Sanctuary

Many little girls dream of having a horse — I know I did. I grew up in the city with a relatively small backyard. Behind the chain link fence that separated our house from a large field — lived a horse. I never knew her name. She was nothing special to look at; slight of build, dull chocolate coat, scraggly knotted black main. She was only there for a few short weeks, but man did I love her. Every afternoon I’d run outside and she’d gallop up to greet me; her velvety nose nuzzling my fingertips as much as the metal barrier…

Ballerina Farm

Our lives are filled with moments that help shape who we are, and who we want to become. Sometimes, all it takes is a flash in time, one moment, to completely alter the course of our lives. Daniel and Hannah Neeleman experienced such an instance while living in Brazil. One day, the couple visited a cattle ranch and witnessed a scene that would change everything — hogs free ranging. Daniel couldn’t stop watching the pigs as they roamed through open pasture, munching on grass side by side with the cattle. They weren’t in pens…

Bike Utah

Albert Einstein once said, “Life is like a bicycle. To keep balanced, you must keep moving forward.” Trilby Cox and Chris Wiltsie, the Co-Directors of Bike Utah, understand the importance of moving forward whether they’re riding a bike or traveling through life. Bike Utah is a non-profit program that envisions “ a Utah where complete networks of bike lanes, paths, and trails contribute to livable, healthy communities, allowing everyone to ride regardless of age, ability, race, or income.” By collaborating and working with…

Little sprouts, big dreams

Sierra Prothers grew up skiing in New England, but when those mountains were no longer big enough for her, she made her way to the Rocky Mountains, eventually landing here in Wasatch County. Sierra’s travels and outdoor experiences fostered an interest in food sourcing and production; having space to plant a garden was an important factor in looking for a place to live. Sierra shared, “My partner and I found a lovely place in the town of Charleston right on the border of Heber. We were lucky enough to find a piece of…

Crunchy Super Mom

In Louisa May Alcott’s book Little Women, the protagonist, Josephine March, states, “I could have been a great many things.” For those who have read the book you know that Jo March was actually a great many things — she just didn’t give herself credit. Many of us can relate to feeling as if we ‘could have been a great many things’ without giving ourselves credit for all that we have been, all that we are, and all that we have the potential of being. Sarah Harding has spent over 15 years helping others, especially moms,…

Inspiring Young Readers

“You have to write the book that wants to be written. And if the book will be too difficult for grown-ups, then you write it for children.” - Madeleine L’Engle When Lezlie Evans was growing up she wanted to be a lot of things: an actress, a doctor, a criminal investigator, but a writer “was never on the list.” Lezlie chuckles as she recalls, “I was actually placed in a remedial English class when I was in the 7th grade. Writing has not always come easily for me. It took me hours to come up with an idea and even longer…

Frye Provisions

Spring in the Wasatch Back is still a bit chilly, but it’s ‘Damn Hot’ over at Frye Provisions where Ryan and Jessie Frye are bringing their “sweet southern heat to the Rocky Mountains” with their homemade hot sauce. Ryan and Jessie Frye grew up in Memphis, Tennessee and have been involved with the hospitality industry most of their lives. They eventually ended up at the same restaurant, bar tending and, in Ryan’s words, “ one thing led to another.” Both Ryan and Jessie have adventurous souls and the couple decided to embark…

A little creativity + imagination Inspiration Haven

AmberLee Shuler has always enjoyed creating, but it wasn’t until she started taking art classes in middle school and high school that she realized just how much she loved art! Painting with acrylics, watercolors, and oils, drawing, calligraphy, she enjoyed it all. While taking calligraphy in 10th grade, her teacher encouraged her to try out pottery. At first she was hesitant. AmberLee explains, “I didn’t think I’d really like pottery, but my calligraphy teacher was also the pottery teacher and I really liked him as a…

Fijn Cocoa

fijn adjective \ ˈfīn \ nice, pleasant fine, thin delicate, meticulous made of small pieces, grains etc. Winter is here and that means snuggling up on a couch, watching the snowflakes slowly fall, while sipping your favorite hot drink. For the ‘Bradley Clan’ that hot drink would definitely be their unique blend of Fijn cocoa.  What began as an experiment to create a hot chocolate drink, that wasn’t so sweet, quickly developed into a deliciously fun family business; sharing the ‘Fijn’ life with everyone!…

Meet Megan Mounteer

“If growing up means it would be beneath my dignity to climb a tree, I’ll never grow up.” – J.M. Barrie Megan Mounteer not only grew up climbing trees; she built magnificent forts among their branches;  she went digging in dirt; she recruited playmates among the caterpillars, snakes, butterflies, and ladybugs; she cultivated, planted, watered, and loved many a blooming thing; and more than likely ate some of the weeds she pulled. The only difference between wild-nature-loving ‘child’ Megan and ‘adult’ Megan is that…

Midway Volksmarch

“I love to go a-wandering, Along the mountain track, And as I go, I love to sing, My knapsack on my back. The Happy Wanderer - Florenz Friedrich Sigismund As a child I had the incredible opportunity of spending time in Germany. My siblings and I are first generation born in America; both my parents are from Deutschland. One of my favorite activities while visiting my Großeltern (Grandparents) was to go walking and hiking all over. My young imagination ran wild as we traversed hills and mountains to visit castles,…

9/11 National Day of Service

In conjunction with the National Day of Service; local civic groups, faith organizations, the forest service, school councils, senior centers, the Wasatch Parent Network, the Wasatch Community Foundation, and others within our community have organized Heber Valley’s 9/11 Day of Service. On Saturday, September 10th, there will be 15 different service projects taking place throughout our valley for individuals and families to participate in. Please scan the QR code or visit  for a list of…

The Cadence of Life

Photographed by Liam Pearce “Harmony, balance, and rhythm. They’re the three things that stay with you your whole life. Without them civilization is out of whack. And that’s why an oarsman, when he goes out in life, he can fight it, he can handle life. That’s what he gets from rowing.” – George Yeoman Pocock Boys in the Boat The Latin word Credimus, translated to English means — We Believe. In 2019 five adults and thirteen students from Platte County High School in Bailey, CO believed they could tackle a crazy…

Join the Crawfish Boil Crew

It’s summer time! Vacations are near; school’s out; and the days are pleasant and long. If you’re searching for a fun and unique activity to do close to home and after work — try fishing for crawfish at our very own Strawberry Reservoir. rCrawfish boils have long been a time-honored tradition throughout the South but over the years they have become quite popular here in land-locked Utah. Some people would say that these little crustaceans are just as delicious as lobster; some say they’re better. Most agree that they are…

Heber Valley Business Launch

Jakob and Brodie Kahler have always been close. Close in age, close in proximity, and now close in business. When I say close, I’m referring to being near each other in time and space; to be fair — the two brothers were like most siblings — fighting, arguing, and not fully appreciating each other until later in life. Fortunately, for brothers and best friends, Jake and Brodie, their ‘later in life’ happened during High School. KNIT TOGETHER Growing up, Brodie was content to let Jake take the lead. He shared, “As the…

Calling All Artists!

With all of the talented artists we have here in our valley it should come as no surprise that, collectiviely, their art work can be seen from Wasatch County to all across the globe. This spring and summer there is an opportunity for our amazing artists to share their gift(s) with Summit County by creating a Historical Mural in Hoytsville, Utah. “The SCPAAB is seeking qualified artists to create a two-dimensional mural celebrating and honoring the history, heritage, and culture of Hoytsville and Summit County. The mural…

Happy Hanukkah

“The spirit of Hanukkah, the Festival of Lights, is shared by all people who love freedom.” – Norma Simon, Author Freedom we all know is not free. And though the cost of freedom is always high, one cannot afford to surrender or submit. Across all cultures and as far back as oral recollections and written records go, there have always been tales and historical writings of those who would remove the freedoms of others and of those who would rise up and fight for their people’s independence. As a nation, we celebrate our…

Adventures Of Skinner

The smith, a mighty man is he, With large and sinewy hands; And the muscles of his brawny arms are strong as iron bands. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. “The Village Blacksmith” It is believed that Albert Einstein once said, “Life is a journey with problems to solve, lessons to learn, but most of all experiences to enjoy.” For David “Skinner” Collins, that saying couldn’t be truer. Anxious to get started, Skinner began his life’s journey two months early. At two pounds six ounces, he fit on the palm of his father’s…

2021 Wasatch County General Election

03. November 2021 – Wasatch County, Utah While most of us were sleeping, city and county staff spent their night counting ballots into the wee hours of Wednesday morning.  As of this reporting there are currently 40 provisional ballots waiting to be verified and many mail-in ballots expected to arrive over the next few days. All votes will go through a canvassing process – which generally takes two weeks – before official results are released.  The ‘unofficial’ results are as follows: Charleston Mayor Brenda Kozlowski…

Vernon Murdock

“Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.” – Pablo Picasso Vernon Murdock began creating art from the moment he first figured out how to hold a pencil. As a very young child, he loved nature; he loved the mountains and the fields that surrounded his home — so he drew them. He enjoyed looking at and watching cartoons — and sketched those too. Vernon’s curiosity about how things worked was no different — he illustrated all the stationary and moving parts. He adored and loved his…

Born in Scotland Stitched in America

If you’re one of the brave men and women who regularly don this delightful article of clothing, then you may have heard the saying, “It takes a real man to wear a kilt.” It’s a phrase often spoken — in a comical attempt at sounding Scottish — in our home every time our son wears his kilt — which is pretty much every day! In 2019 we adopted a new saying, one that jumped out from the tag on a newly acquired Commando Kilt from Sport kilt. “A man in a kilt is a man and a half!” My son’s obsession with kilts began years ago —…

Heber Valley Meats: A Cut Above

An Unknown Rancher Once Said, “In Winter’s Chill or Summer’s Heat . . . Farmers and Ranchers Work so the World Can Eat.” Farms and ranches are more than wide swaths of land used to raise crops and livestock. They are a family’s heritage and future. Jessie Morris and Chad Murdock understand the importance of both heritage and looking towards the future; it’s one of the main reasons they opened a butcher shop right here in their beloved Heber Valley. Jessie and Chad have been best friends since middle school. The Morris…

Emergence Art Contest

Inspired by Our Home Town The majestic and varied landscapes of Wasatch County have inspired artists from across the globe since the early pioneers first settled here. Today our valley’s mountains, rivers, fields, farms, and skate parks are inspiring a whole new generation of young artists. The year 2020 brought about a lot of change for everyone — in Wasatch County, a group of PTA presidents representing the district’s elementary, middle, and high schools, decided to change things up a bit too. After much deliberation…

Wasatch Community Foundation

We all know that our valley is a treasure trove of natural beauty. However, have you ever asked yourself what Wasatch County’s most valuable attraction is? I believe it’s the people who live here, and that includes our amazing youth. Wasatch Community Foundation agrees. According to their website,, the mission of their Educational Pillar is to help produce, “The Finest Youth on the Planet!” Helping our youth find their way in the world and giving them as many educational opportunities as possible is at the…

A Legacy Lived and Loved

On a sunny August morning, Renee Fitzgerald Johnson sat outside the house she was born in while passersby honked and shouted at her. I know it sounds horrible, but it wasn’t. It was quite the opposite. Renee was celebrating her 95th Birthday! Her children and grandchildren had decorated her front lawn with brightly colored letters, numbers, and balloons. Announcing to all that today was a special day, and the beautiful woman waving was an amazing lady who’s lived an extraordinary life.

Holiday Traditions

Gather your kids, friends, and family to discover different cultures and the food they eat. Try out a few new recipes, and prepare them together. Participate in a festivity you've never celebrated before. Eat new foods. Share and create a new tradition!

Russ McDonald Field

Amelia Earhart once asked, “What do dreams know of boundaries?” As children, our dreams have no boundaries — we can become anyone — do anything — the possibilities are endless. When Russ McDonald was knee-high to a model airplane, he dreamed of flying. Towards the end of WWII Russ joined the Navy and served as an enlisted man in San Diego, working on aircraft, not flying them, but don’t worry — Russ was just warming up his engines. After WWII, Russ put the GI Bill to good use. He attended mechanic school, learned to fly,…

Heber Market on Main

By Loralie Pearce When was the last time you invited your friends to meet you in aisle 10 of your neighborhood grocery store for a chat? Wait — don’t answer that. Instead, imagine yourself meandering through a beautiful open air space bursting with local art, crafts, agricultural goods, food, music, and if you’re lucky, a giant bounce house. Welcome to the all-new Heber Market on Main! In 1998 Heber City wanted to create a fun farmers market where the community could support each other through buying and selling locally…

A Look At Jordanelle Development

Change.  It’s a small word, yet for many the expression spikes our adrenaline and causes our hearts to beat quickly with fear or excitement. Whatever our personal response, this fact remains: nothing is meant to stay the same forever. As intelligent beings, we crave improvement and progression; we long for that something just out of reach and are willing to work hard for it  — even if it takes decades to achieve. For the past 162 years, the area we now call the Wasatch Back has been in a constant state of change.…

Meet McKardy Kelly

Sunday, July 21, 2019, is a day that McKardy Kelly says she will never forget. Riding into Midway atop a blaring fire truck, McKardy waved and smiled at family, friends and community members who lined the streets in her honor. The parade paid tribute to McKardy, who was named the National High School Rodeo Queen the day before in Rock Springs, Wyoming. McKardy — the first Utahn to win the title since 2008 — says she owes her success to her friends, family and the special place where she grew up. For McKardy,

Waddie Mitchell

What’s in a Name? When Shakespeare penned those words he was asking does a name really matter? For Bruce Douglas “Waddie” Mitchell, it’s a safe wager his answer is yes.  As a young buckaroo growing up on a remote ranch near Elko, Nevada, Bruce was his dad’s right-hand man. “The hired hands around the ranch always called me ‘Doug’s Little Waddie,’” he says. “They’d shout out, ‘Hey Little Waddie,’ and as I grew up it was still Little Waddie until all of a sudden it was just Waddie.” You can hear

Off-Grid Living: Disconnecting From The Beaten Path

Off-grid living. Those words often conjure up visions of people like Grizzly Adams, living off the land in a one-room log cabin with their bear bestie Ben, completely cut off from civilization. For some, that sounds like heaven — for others, not so much. The beauty of off-grid living is that it can look like whatever you want it to look like, from a tiny house deep in the woods to a dream home just off the beaten path — the sky’s the limit. Beards and bears are optional. Going “off-grid” simply means not being

Master Of Murals

At four years old, Skye Walker did something that would change the course of his life. He picked up a crayon and began coloring. He’s been coloring and creating ever since. In June 2018, Skye hit the road in his Sprinter Van — appropriately and cleverly named “Vango” — for a yearlong “Sea2Sea Mural Tour.” Ten months, 17,000 miles and 23 murals later, Skye Walker found himself in the Heber Valley. Skye wasn’t lost. Quite the contrary: the stars had aligned to get him here. One month before he left on his tour,