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summer 2021

Play Stay Dine Explore Shop

The lost art of a “staycation” needs to be dusted off and put back into circulation, and this summer is just the time to do it! For most, vacation means experimenting in new parts of the world. It goes beyond discovering but rather immersing ourselves in a pocket of memories carved out in one to two-week increments. The Wasatch Back is incredibly fortunate to be situated within minimal driving distance of everything from a quaint bed and breakfast to a swanky 5-star resort. Throw in some incredible scenery, and what…

500 Hours Outside This Summer

Many parents are aware their kids are spending too much time indoors using electronic devices. A recent study by the Kaiser Family Foundation found that the average eight to eighteen year old spends 7 hours and 38 minutes of electronic screen time per day. Let’s go outside! Outdoor play time helps to balance a child’s day and provide mental and physical health benefits. Did you know that most experts agree that 4-6 hours of playing outside each day is optimal for child health? Here are 25 fun ideas to get you going!…

Memento Mori

Being a teenager is rough. I certainly worked through my fair share of disillusionment during my run through the teen-to-early-adulthood years in my life. Reflecting on those years from my ‘present’ perspective can evoke some feelings of awkwardness. I would be willing to wager that I am not alone in the thought process: “if I could go back then knowing what I know now, I would do differently.” It wasn’t all bad, though. I remember numerous carefree days with no agenda. I remember walking through manicured park lawns…

Heber City Tabernacle

When Heber City Main Street’s Tabernacle Was Facing Demolition, a Community Banded Together to Protect Their Heritage. As a resident of this beautiful valley, and an admirer of anything local, I have a deep appreciation for all the history we share and all the beautiful, historical buildings and homes that are still standing. One of my favorite buildings is the Heber City Hall, or as it was originally known, The Wasatch Stake Tabernacle. As I gaze at or walk its corridors, I find it easy to wonder about the past. If only…

Next man up!

Once there was a delicious soup. It was created with homemade recipes, and people loved it. They loved it so much that a big factory was built to make more of it. As people ate more and more soup, the factory tried to keep up with the demand. Finally, Bear Creek Country Kitchens moved the soup production elsewhere. What would happen to the enormous soup factory that had housed the facilities? According to Amaria Scovil, Director of Wasatch County’s Joyce & M. Anthony Burns Recreation Center, “When they decided to sell…

Girls Rule

Several winters back, Jennifer Thorne climbed the north ridge of Mount Nebo through waist-deep snow until she crested its 11,861-foot-high summit. During a time of year when most folks are cuddled up in front of a fire with a good book; Jennifer and two of her friends stood atop the highest mountain in the Wasatch enjoying the priceless 360-degree view of snowy mountains and grassy valleys. Removing skis from their backs they tackled a technical ski descent down one of Utah’s most imposing mountains. Would anyone believe…

Born in Scotland Stitched in America

If you’re one of the brave men and women who regularly don this delightful article of clothing, then you may have heard the saying, “It takes a real man to wear a kilt.” It’s a phrase often spoken — in a comical attempt at sounding Scottish — in our home every time our son wears his kilt — which is pretty much every day! In 2019 we adopted a new saying, one that jumped out from the tag on a newly acquired Commando Kilt from Sport kilt. “A man in a kilt is a man and a half!” My son’s obsession with kilts began years ago —…

Chef About Town

Keep an Eye Out For These Meals on Wheels and Grab a Bite This Summer Cucina Rustico · Taqueria Los Cunados · Yalla Food Truck There is something nostalgic about eating outside during the summer. Where I come from in the South, bare feet and something in your hand as you run through a park or sit at a ball game is the quintessential, hallmark movie moment that come to life. I think this is what I love most about tasting my way through the Wasatch Back; it reminds me that great food and good-hearted people make a community…

Heber Valley Meats: A Cut Above

An Unknown Rancher Once Said, “In Winter’s Chill or Summer’s Heat . . . Farmers and Ranchers Work so the World Can Eat.” Farms and ranches are more than wide swaths of land used to raise crops and livestock. They are a family’s heritage and future. Jessie Morris and Chad Murdock understand the importance of both heritage and looking towards the future; it’s one of the main reasons they opened a butcher shop right here in their beloved Heber Valley. Jessie and Chad have been best friends since middle school. The Morris…

Jordan Daines

Jordan’s studio is bright and open and full of natural light. Large paintings lean against the wall, some complete, while others are awaiting their turn. An easel sits in the corner with a canvas adorned by a beautiful array of vibrant colors coming to life as they circle around and around. To some, the looping pigments resemble tree trunk rings; others see a thumbprint or an oyster shell. One of the more substantial linear abstracts Jordan loves to tackle takes up a good portion of another wall, while a cart sits with wet…

Emergence Art Contest

Inspired by Our Home Town The majestic and varied landscapes of Wasatch County have inspired artists from across the globe since the early pioneers first settled here. Today our valley’s mountains, rivers, fields, farms, and skate parks are inspiring a whole new generation of young artists. The year 2020 brought about a lot of change for everyone — in Wasatch County, a group of PTA presidents representing the district’s elementary, middle, and high schools, decided to change things up a bit too. After much deliberation…