
Healing the warriors

In Norse mythology, Valhalla is a magnificent hall where slain heroes from battle are received and restored by a mythical light. In Heber City, Utah, Valhalla is basically the same thing. However, instead of boar’s meat and golden shields, cutting-edge smart light cell therapies are used for healing.

Dr. David Tate has been preparing for Heber’s Valhalla for decades.
He has a PhD in clinical neuropsychology, and he did a clinical internship and post-doctoral fellowship at Brown University. He received a research grant, which he fulfilled with the women’s hospital at Harvard Medical School, spending almost 9 years there as a research professor. He then worked as a research neuropsychologist for the Army medical center in San Antonio for about six years.

All of this research experience led him to accept a job at the University of Utah as an associate research professor. There, he currently co-directs the brain injury and concussion center. And now, he’s also opened Valhalla in Heber City.

Using these lights for healing is not a new science; in fact, it’s been around for about 60 years. “These wavelengths of light have some very specific biological actions,” explains Dr. Tate. “It’s a little more than red-light therapy . . . more specifically, we’re using both visible red and near-infrared frequencies.”

Dr. Tate continues, “The wavelengths of light that you’re using are really important. Red only gets about skin deep. When you get into the near-infrared, specific wavelengths have different penetration depths . . . You can actually push the light as much as 2 1/2 inches into the tissue.”

The areas of healing depend on where and how the light is used. Valhalla has a handheld laser light that works on specific areas, but also whole-body pods that treat the entire body, including the joints, the deep tissue, the gut, and the brain.

These lights have many benefits. Not only do they reduce inflammation, but they also increase circulation. And, when used consistently, changes occur in the mitochondrial function of the cells. This makes cell energy production much more efficient, which speeds healing and increases cell replication.

An additional benefit of this light therapy is improvements in mood. “Moods become much more stable . . . [with] less depressive-type symptoms and less anxiety,” says Dr. Tate.

Dr. Tate explained that, “The nice thing about it is there are 60 years of research on these wavelengths of light, and the safety parameters are very well-known. There are very few side effects, if any.” Possible rare side effects are similar to those from a detox, but the lights can be modified to minimize this. Also, this type of therapy is not recommended for people with a history of epilepsy or for pregnant women.

Valhalla offers a free first appointment to anyone wanting to try it out. After that, there are lots of different packages to try. Visits are usually around $40-$45 each, with discounts for vets and first-responders.

Light treatments range between 12 to 18 minutes, and most people with aches and pains come once or twice a week. “If you’re coming with other more chronic conditions, like fibromyalgia, thyroid disease, or long-haul covid, you’d probably need at least three treatments a week for the first month,” explains Dr. Tate. After that, a maintenance period is designed.

“We’re really a wellness center,” says Dr. Tate. “We listen to see what’s helping and what’s not helping. Then we can modify some of the parameters.” He sees this as a complimentary therapy. “[Valhalla] really works hand in hand to improve the efficacy of other therapies as well. We want to be seen as partnering with these individuals and their treating physicians to get the best outcome.”

Suffering from post-concussion syndrome?

Valhalla uses smart light cell therapy to promote recovery in the body and healing in the mind.

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