Meet the Candidates.

Running for the Wasatch County Board of Education.

The combined experience, expertise, and enthusiasm of the six candidates running for the Wasatch County School Board is impressive.

Wasatch County School District’s Board of Education is governed by five members representing delegated areas. Three of those positions are due for the upcoming election on November 5th. These positions serve for four years. Seat E, which represents the Midway area is being contested by Tom Stone and Brad Ehlert, both of which would replace Tom Hansen. Seat F covers the eastern parts of the county including Hideout. Kim Dickerson, who has served for one term, is being challenged by Randall Lund. Marianne Allen, also a one-term incumbent, and Breanne Dedrickson are competing for Seat G, which includes Daniels, Wallsburg, and southern portions of Wasatch County. Seat C (northern sections) and Seat D (central and southern parts) do not have elections this cycle and are currently filled by Cory Holmes and Tyler Bluth. These six candidates are in full campaign mode. I asked each of them the same questions. Here are their answers.

Seat E: Tom Stone vs. Brad Ehlert (Midway)


Tom Stone

Tell us about yourself, your background, education and teaching experiences, and your career path.

“I moved to the valley in 1986 and graduated from Wasatch High School in 1988. After graduating from the University of Utah, I came back to the valley to work in the mortgage industry, and have been here ever since. I married a wonderful girl with [generational] family roots here in the valley. We raised all four of our children here, with our granddaughter starting kindergarten in the district this fall.”

What is the most important issue facing Wasatch County School District and what can you do as a board member about it?

“Preparing students for real life, real-world opportunities, so they aren’t scared to go into the workforce and create a space and place for themselves and others, as well as get involved in community issues themselves. This begins with giving them this opportunity during their school years. This is happening already in the CAPS program, but to also make it [opportunities] more available to the student population, and show them the diverse ways they can contribute and make a living for themselves and their future families.”

What is one of your strengths when working with a group?

“I’ve never worked alone and solved anything really meaningful…I’ve always worked in groups, whether that is at my employment with my team, CAPS with the board and the teachers, coaching my sons in Little League throughout the years, or volunteering on many levels in the community. I’ve never been able to truly assist or solve much in any capacity by myself. I like to get out there and hear what others are saying and see common ground and then get to work and build something for the greater good.”

What is the purpose of a school board in a community?

“To represent those who don’t have a right to vote based on age restrictions; they are first and foremost.  Other stuff, like budgets and taxes, are important, and believe me, I have something to say about that, but students are the priority.”

Brad Ehlert

Tell us about yourself, your background, education and teaching experiences, and your career path.

“Hi, I’m Brad Ehlert. For more than 20 years, my career has been dedicated to improving schools. My focus has been on building safe and effective learning environments. With a background in technology, I’ve created software and hardware solutions to enhance classrooms and help them feel secure. This includes everything from better sound systems in classrooms to emergency alert systems. I’m a proud Midway resident with my wife and three kids. One has graduated from Wasatch High School, and two are currently attending schools in our district. Seeing firsthand the impact of our schools on young lives fuels my passion for this work. I’m committed to working closely with school districts to make the most of their resources. By implementing smart solutions, we can create schools where every student feels safe and inspired to learn.”

What is the most important issue facing Wasatch County School District and what can you do as a board member about it?

“Our schools face big challenges. Taxes are going up, but it’s hard to see where all the money is going. People in our community aren’t always on the same page about what our schools should be. If I’m elected to the school board, I’ll make sure we’re open and honest about everything. You deserve to know how your tax dollars are being spent. We need to work together to figure out what kind of schools we want for our kids. I am committed to listening with an open mind. I want to understand our community’s priorities, and to communicate and advocate for those with the board and district administration. Choosing the right leader for our schools is really important. When the time is right, I’ll make sure we find a superintendent who listens to everyone and has a clear plan for the future. We also need to be smart about how we spend our money. Our high schools are getting bigger, but we can’t keep raising taxes. I’ll work hard to find ways to make the most of every dollar. By fostering an environment of transparency and inclusive dialogue, we can bridge divides, build trust, and work together to support our students and schools effectively. Let’s work together to build the best possible schools for our kids.”

What is one of your strengths when working with a group?

“My work in different schools has taught me how to listen to different points of view and find solutions that work for everyone. I excel at building strong, collaborative teams and fostering open dialogue to ensure every voice is valued. I believe in creating an inclusive environment where everyone feels empowered to contribute their unique perspectives. This not only leads to more creative and effective solutions but also strengthens morale and cohesion. I have a proven track record of building consensus and driving collective decision-making. My goal is to give everyone a chance to share their ideas. By actively listening to team members, understanding their needs and concerns, and leveraging their strengths, I can facilitate a collaborative process that yields positive outcomes. I am confident in my ability to navigate complex situations, mediate conflicts, and build trust among team members. I want to create a team culture where everyone feels heard, respected, and committed to achieving shared objectives. This helps us come up with better ideas that will serve the variety of students and families in our district.”

What is the purpose of a school board in a community?

“School boards are the governing bodies that oversee our school districts. They’re responsible for making sure everything runs smoothly and efficiently, with a primary focus on providing an excellent education for every student. School boards have a big job. They set the rules for the district, decide how to spend the school budget, and hire and evaluate the superintendent. This means they’re in charge of making sure the schools have everything they need to succeed, from textbooks and technology to qualified teachers and support staff.

But their role goes beyond just managing the schools. School boards are also the connection between the schools and the community. They listen to what parents, teachers, students, and other community members think about education. Their job is to make sure the schools are meeting the needs of the entire community. To do this effectively, school boards need to be open and honest. They should be transparent about their decisions, explain their reasoning, and welcome feedback from the community. By building trust and fostering open communication, school boards can create a strong partnership with the community that benefits everyone, especially the students.”

Seat F: Kim Dickerson vs. Randall Lund (Eastern parts of the county, Hideout)

Kim Dickerson

Tell us about yourself, your background, education and teaching experiences, and your career path.

“My background includes many diverse experiences. I was born in Seoul, South Korea, to a father who served in the Army and a mother who is a native of South Korea. This upbringing has given me a global perspective, having lived and traveled to various parts of the world. My work with Delta Air Lines brought me to Utah thirty years ago. I have called the Heber Valley my home for the past fifteen years, where I live with my husband and children. All four of my children have been part of the Wasatch County School District system, and my daughter, Maya, will be a senior in the upcoming school year. My journey in volunteering for my children’s schools began 14 years ago in the kindergarten hallway of Old Mill Elementary School. Since then, I have held numerous leadership positions, served on parent boards, and participated in various committees within my children’s schools and the district. My dedication to supporting quality education for every child has been unwavering, and I have spent countless hours towards this cause.”

Education: Utah Valley University, Bachelor of Science, Family Science, Summa Cum Laude (GPA 4.0) Emphasis on Marriage & Relationship Skills, Human Development Life Span, Contemporary Family Relations, Ethics for Family Interventions, Social Work Practice, Applied Parenting, Family Policy, Family Finance, Family Dynamics and Systems, and Family Life Education Methodology, Certified Family Wellness Instructor.

What is the most important issue facing Wasatch County School District and what can you do as a board member about it?

“One of the most important issues facing Wasatch County School District is recruiting and retaining quality teachers. As a board member, I will prioritize ensuring competitive compensation for teachers to attract and retain high-quality educators within the Wasatch County School District.”

What is one of your strengths when working with a group?

“My strengths in a group setting are communication, attentive listening, openness to different viewpoints, and respect for others. I also dedicate time to in-depth research, examining and exploring an issue before reaching conclusions.”

What is the purpose of a school board in a community?

“The purpose of a school board is to help govern the local school district. School boards are responsible for setting the district’s vision and goals, establishing policies and budgets, and ensuring that the schools provide a high-quality education to all students. They also serve as a bridge between the schools and the community, striving to nurture a strong connection and relationship. Additionally, school boards hire and evaluate the superintendent and business administrator, making important decisions about curriculum, facilities, and resources”

Randall Lund

Tell us about yourself, your background, education and teaching experiences, and your career path.

“[I am] a retired BYU professor with a PhD in Curriculum and Instruction and [have] over 40 years of teaching, from middle school to college. [I have] experienced a variety of school districts in Minnesota, New York, and Utah both as a parent of 9 children and as a university teacher trainer. [I am] currently the lead author on a national German proficiency test. In [my] spare time [I] enjoy music, reading, track and field officiating, and working with [my] wife on [our] 4-acre property.”

What is the most important issue facing Wasatch County School District and what can you do as a board member about it?

“The most important issue is the district’s mission to give the children the kind of excellent, academically rigorous education the community expects, despite pressures and distractions. National and state-level influences have recently encroached to a great extent on the local schools, leading to, among other things, mediocre academic standards. I can help leaders and teachers by mitigating bureaucratic restrictions and allowing them to engage their professional skills and interests to give their students a better education.”

What is one of your strengths when working with a group?

“As every group is different, it is important to understand the nature, context, make-up, and purpose of each group. One of my skills is to keep each of those factors in mind and to help the group remember the bounds and conditions under which it operates.”

What is the purpose of a school board in a community?

“A local school board is a classic example of representative government. The people elect a board to do their will in creating and running a school district. Among other things, the board is a listening board. It must listen to the district as it asks for resources necessary to achieve its mission. But above all else, it must listen to the people—the parents, the taxpayers—to make sure it is giving them the kind of schools they want.”

Seat G: Marianne Allen vs. Breanne Dedrickson (Daniels, Wallsburg, southern parts of the county)

Marianne Allen

Tell us about yourself, your background, education and teaching experiences, and your career path.

“I mainly grew up in Fort Collins, Colorado. I come from a family of educators, so I have been around education my whole life. I graduated from Utah State University with a bachelor’s degree in History, Secondary Education, and a minor in Political Science. I married my husband Dennis in 2006, and we have three wonderful kids who are currently attending Wasatch County schools. I taught and coached for six years at the junior high and high school levels in the Weber County School District. I was elected to the Wasatch School Board in 2020 and have been serving in my first term. I was reelected by school board members to the Utah School Boards Association Board of Directors to represent Wasatch County, South Summit, North Summit, and Park City school districts at the state level of the [USBA].”

What is the most important issue facing Wasatch County School District and what can you do as a board member about it?

“[We hear about] balancing the growth of the valley and needs of residents, with the needs of educating the children of our community a lot. But it is one of the biggest hurdles our fast-growing community faces right now, and it impacts many aspects of our community. As a school board member, I listen to the needs of my constituents and the needs of our community’s residents. We have community members who are struggling to stay in this valley, and we need to consider that when balancing the needs of education. Wasatch County School District teachers and staff are doing an incredible job in teaching our kids. The gains in student testing over the last four years are remarkable! That is a testament to the skill, knowledge, time, and dedication, of our teachers and staff doing their jobs. My job is to support teachers and staff by providing the means for resources, curriculum, facilities, and professional development opportunities [that help them] teach their students – the children of our community. As a school board member, I would continue to listen to my constituents, and the district, about the educational needs of our students, and act to find the most balanced solutions. I feel I currently do this and did this on the Truth and Taxation vote in 2023, and the Lease Revenue bonding in 2022.”

What is one of your strengths when working with a group?

“I believe one of my strengths is that I value listening to all points of view, and part of who I am as a person, is being respectful in valuing differing opinions. When I first ran for this office four years ago, I ran on being a new voice, with a unique perspective, and an inclusive approach. I feel that I have brought these things to the school board, and one of the most valuable strengths is being inclusive and listening and valuing those with differing experiences. Better solutions to issues, and plans made for the future, can be found when we listen to all sides of an issue and take that knowledge to guide us in those decisions.”

What is the purpose of a school board in a community?

“According to State Code 53G-4-401 and 402, there are a lot of purposes to your local school board. I believe in following the law and that the school board needs to represent their community to the school district and direct the school district in educating the future voting citizens of our community and nation.”

Breanne Dedrickson

Tell us about yourself, your background, education and teaching experiences, and your career path.

“I am a former Wasatch High School English teacher, Timpanogos Intermediate School assistant principal, and current Liahona Preparatory Academy principal. I earned a Bachelor of Science in English Teaching from Utah State University and a Master of Education in Educational Leadership and Policy from the University of Utah. I am the mother of four wonderful children, and I love volunteering in their classrooms. I am active in the Wasatch Parent Network and serve on the Daniels Canyon Elementary School Community Council. I also served on the Wasatch County School District’s Safe Schools Committee and Future Schools Committee. I am running for the school board because I am passionate about high quality, comprehensive education, and academic achievement. I want to ensure Wasatch County School District has the policies and resources in place to provide the best educational experience for all children in a fiscally responsible and transparent way.”

What is the most important issue facing Wasatch County School District and what can you do as a board member about it?

“Two important issues facing Wasatch County School District are growth, and attracting and retaining high-quality educators. First, to address growth, I will have the courage and creativity to provide safe, appropriate, up-to-date, educationally conducive spaces for students to learn in. I will use data and open communication to evaluate needs, build community consensus, and make decisions that are best for students, educators, and the community. I would like to implement policies so that the long-term plan to accommodate growth is transparent and expected. Collaboration with community leaders is also important. Second, to attract and retain high-quality educators, I will be a proponent of fair compensation and benefits to ensure we can hire and keep top-notch employees. This means I will support and vote for a budget that allocates the majority of its money to salaries and benefits. Continuing to fully fund benefits and staying competitive in the salary market is a priority for me because high-quality teachers directly impact student achievement.”

What is one of your strengths when working with a group?

“I am an excellent communicator. I have learned the value of listening to all perspectives to ensure I am fully informed. I listen with respect, value the contributions of others, and have empathy. I ask questions for clarity and accountability. I have the courage to speak up, contribute, and engage in critical conversations. With honest, clear, responsive, and respectful dialogue, I have found groups function more effectively and efficiently.”

What is the purpose of a school board in a community?

“A local school board shall make and enforce policies necessary for the control and management of the district schools (Utah Code Section 53G-4-402). U.S. News & World Report (2023) further explains, ‘school boards have three major responsibilities: developing the annual budget to run the school system; setting school policies; and hiring and evaluating the superintendent.’ It is also the role of the board to ask questions, assess progress, listen to all sides, represent the community, and do what is best for students.”

The School Board generally meets the 4th Tuesday of each month.

Study sessions are at 5:00 pm and Board meetings are at 6:30 pm at the district office (101 East 200 North). Visit for more information such as recordings, agendas, and instructions on public comment. The school district is allocated the most tax dollars of any county government entity, which is 67% of the county budget. School board members hold very important and impactful positions for the whole community.

Get involved in school board elections! November 5, 2024.
