With all of the talented artists we have here in our valley it should come as no surprise that, collectiviely, their art work can be seen from Wasatch County to all across the globe. This spring and summer there is an opportunity for our amazing artists to share their gift(s) with Summit County by creating a Historical Mural in Hoytsville, Utah.
“The SCPAAB is seeking qualified artists to create a two-dimensional mural celebrating and honoring the history, heritage, and culture of Hoytsville and Summit County. The mural will be installed on the exterior of the Public Works Building in Hoytsville and should be approximately 121’X11’, with some flexibility based on design concept and development. There are plans to also include a “listening tour” with interviews from Hoytsville residents, local historians, and Indigenous Tribal members.”
The project will have a budget of $10,000; deadline for RFQ submissions is February 20, 2022 by 5:00 pm (MST). To learn more please visit: www.summitcounty.org
According to the SCPAAB’s website the following requirements are needed for application submission:
Letter of Interest – This letter should be no more than one page and should explain the Artist’s interest in the project.
Current Resume – If submitting as a team, a current resume for each team member [should] be provided.
Visual Support Materials – Submit 10 digital images of your professional work. Images must be submitted in the following format:
- File Type: JPEGs
- Image Size: Images to be no more than 1920 pix on the longest side saved at 72 dpi.
- File Labeling: Files must be titled with a number indicating the viewing order, followed by the artist’s last name. The numbers must correspond to the accompanying Image List.
Use “0” in front of single digit numbers. Do not use more than 30 characters, and use only letters, numbers and underscores, example: 01_Smith.jpg
Annotated image list – The image list must include the artist’s name and a brief description of the image stating its title, date, medium, size, location and if a commissioned project, the commission budget.
Community Engagement: 2-3 Examples of community engagement projects or workshops that were coordinated with past public art projects.
References – A list of at least three professional references that have an intimate
knowledge of artist’s work and working methods. The list must include complete emails and telephone numbers.
Contract – The individual(s) selected shall be required to enter into a professional services agreement with the County on a form to be drafted and approved by the Summit County Attorney’s Office. Applicants must read the County’s standard professional services agreement (posted at http://summitcounty.org/249/Public-Art), which includes the artist’s mandatory insurance requirements. Contracted Artist(s) may be subject to additional requirements in the contract related specifically to the project.
Materials (including links to file sharing services) should be emailed to: thenney@summitcounty.org with the subject line: RFQ Submission – Hoytsville Historical Mural.
All submissions must be received by 5:00pm MST on February 20, 2022. Submission of digital materials is required. Digital format responses will be accepted via email (Attn: Thea Henney, Summit County Public Art Advisory Board Administrator at thenney@summitcounty.org).
Summit County Public Art
Attn: Thea Henney
Summit County Public Art Advisory Board Administrator
PO Box 4455
Park City, UT 84060