
Wasatch High School presents Anastasia the Musical

“Who are You?” is the question Anya, or perhaps Anastasia, the lost grand duchess of Russia, must answer. This historical fiction is full of mystery and adventure as Anastasia is trying to remember who she is. Beginning in Bolshevik Russia, Anastasia and two con men Dmitry and Vlad survive a dangerous escape to Paris to find the heartsick Dowager Empress Marie Romanov. Anastasia is not the only one on a path of self discovery. Based on the 1997 animated film; this popular theatrical adaptation premiered on Broadway in 2017 and has continued to inspire audiences all over the world, including Heber.

Wasatch High School has once again produced a spectacular show! Anastasia premiered Thursday, February 3rd and had showings the 4th and 5th. With a cast and crew of nearly 100 and directed by Laurie Turnblom, musically directed by Stephen Reynolds, and choreographed by Christie Moulton this is a show you won’t want to miss. The show stars Brooke Thatcher as Anastasia, Kai Haddock as Dmitry, Ethan Scott as Vlad, Cecily Rowland as Dowager Empress Marie, Enoch Fry as Gleb, Dane Roberts as Count Ipolitov, and Elissa Ross as Lily Malevsky-Malevitch. Set in Russia and Paris; plotted adventure, intrigue, and romance, harmonized with incredible music, and costumes. Add in original Broadway digitally projected backdrops, and custom props – including a spinning train car – this show is perfect for a family Valentine’s Day outing.

Shows continue Wednesday, February 9th through Saturday, the 12th at 7pm. Tickets can be purchased at the door or online at

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