Wasatch School District Opens its Doors

Wasatch School District welcomed students back to school on August 17, 2020. The district opened on its original start date, a feat which was unattainable for many other districts across the country. Even in Utah, only four districts plan to be open by the 17th. Several have planned openings later this week. And many others will begin even later.

Some states are still keeping schools closed. In fact, 8 states, plus the District of Columbia, do not have in-person instruction at all right now. Some are planning for delayed openings, while others are requiring hybrid or remote-only instruction. A majority of states have handed the reopening decision over to the individual school districts.

In a video message sent to district patrons, Wasatch Superintendent Paul Sweat said, “It is now time to get back to school and to help our students with the learning process that they deserve. . . . We’re excited to start the year. We’re going to work very hard to keep our schools open and functioning.”

Wasatch School District offered four options to parents, including full-time school, a hybrid day, an online academy, and homeschool. Wasatch also plans additional cleaning and hygiene procedures at school. Utah Governor Herbert later added a state mandate that masks would be required for all students and faculty in the school buildings.

Garrick Peterson, Wasatch Director of Academics, added that keeping schools open will be a community effort. The district has three goals for the 2020-2021 school year. The first goal is that no teachers will contract the Covid virus while at work. Secondly, all classrooms and schools will remain open. And lastly, all students will show mastery on all essential standards for each grade level or course.

“We know that there are some risks that we are taking, but we feel like the benefit far outweighs those risks,” said Superintendent Sweat. He emphasized that the district feels a great responsibility for the students. “We will do everything we can to help protect them and, most importantly, educate them,” he said.

For more information on reopening plans, click here: https://www.wasatch.edu/domain/2283

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