Wasatch County Fair (2020 version) is On!

The Wasatch County Fair will be held August 5-8, 2020. Although this year will be different from past events, the organizers have come up with some unique, safe ideas for family fun!

“We have great events and activities planned for Fair Days this year,” says Amaria Scovil, Director of the Wasatch County Recreation Center. “There is a free drive-in movie night with popcorn to kick off the fair on August 5th, and to wrap it up on August 8th, we’re throwing a tailgate concert and BBQ, followed by fireworks.” In between, there is so much more!

The free Drive-in Movie on August 5th will show “A Dog’s Journey.” The gates at the Event Complex will open at 7:30pm, and free popcorn will be provided, while supplies last. There will also be a short video to recognize the Wasatch High School 2020 Seniors, prior to the movie at 9:30pm.

The free Fun Run will be held on Thursday, August 6th, and can be completed anytime between 7am and 7pm. Participants can walk or run the 2 miles up Memorial Hill. Pre-registration and face masks are encouraged. New participants will begin the run every 10 minutes to allow for social distancing. Prizes will be given for social media posts.

The County Fair will also include pre-registered outdoor family games, including a power-wheels race, a foul shot competition, and a stick-horse barrel race.

The Jr. Livestock Show, including lambs, swine, and beef, will run throughout the fair. The sale will be held on Saturday, August 8.

“Wasatch Has Talent” videos and County Fair exhibits will be submitted online. 4H exhibits will be dropped off in person. Exhibits will be judged and posted on the website for viewing beginning on August 4. Links for all three types of entries can be found below.

The Wasatch County Fair 2020 will end with a tailgate concert and BBQ at the Event Complex. The BBQ will run from 5:30-7:30pm, at $6 a plate, and will be limited to the first 1,000 people. Tyke James and the Moss will then open the concert at 7pm, with Charley Jenkins headlining at 8pm. The Horse of Many Colors Balloon Launch will follow at 9:30pm, and festivities will culminate with fireworks at 9:45pm.

For more information, please see https://www.wasatchcountyfair.com/

Talent video submissions can be made here: https://www.wasatchcountyevents.com/p/fair-days-new/activities/talent-find

Open Class Exhibits can be submitted here: https://www.wasatchcountyevents.com/p/fair-days-new/activities/exhibits

4H information can be found at this link: https://d38trduahtodj3.cloudfront.net/files.ashx?t=fg&rid=WasatchCountyEventsCenter&f=2020-4H.pdf

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