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wasatch community foundation

Young Entrepreneurs Champion the World of Retail

In Fall 2023, two bright stars from Wasatch High School's CAPS program, Cambrie Wood and Calvin Seare, set out on a mission to make a difference. Teaming up with Wasatch Community Foundation’s Kathy Carr, and Carolina De Martino, and Angelo Querciali of Northland Professional, they embarked on a heartfelt project to uplift those in need. Northland Professional, a beloved lifestyle clothing company, formerly located on Heber’s Main Street and recently moved to Park City, generously donated merchandise to fuel their…

Wasatch Community Foundation Funds Assist Adaptive Athletes

The impact of the Wasatch Community Foundation's generous donation to the Intermountain Adaptive Multisport (I-AM) group in 2023 has been nothing short of transformative. The funds provided were instrumental in acquiring much-needed recreational equipment and a specialized trailer for transporting adaptive bicycles, enhancing the overall experience for the athletes involved. One of the significant highlights was the support for I-AM athletes to compete at the USA Triathlon (USAT) Nationals in Milwaukee. Six dedicated…

The Wasatch Community Foundation Supports Education for all Learners of all Ages

Years ago, here in Wasatch County, there were many different organizations attempting to fill the needs of its residents.  In 2000, a dedicated group of volunteers formed Wasatch Community Foundation to connect residents who were able to give, with residents in need and “From the community, For the community” was realized. Today, Wasatch Community Foundation is a thriving 501c3, and the largest all-volunteer, non-profit organization in Heber Valley. Our vision is to build an extraordinary community by enabling families to…

9/11 National Day of Service

In conjunction with the National Day of Service; local civic groups, faith organizations, the forest service, school councils, senior centers, the Wasatch Parent Network, the Wasatch Community Foundation, and others within our community have organized Heber Valley’s 9/11 Day of Service. On Saturday, September 10th, there will be 15 different service projects taking place throughout our valley for individuals and families to participate in. Please scan the QR code or visit  for a list of…

Wasatch Community Foundation

We all know that our valley is a treasure trove of natural beauty. However, have you ever asked yourself what Wasatch County’s most valuable attraction is? I believe it’s the people who live here, and that includes our amazing youth. Wasatch Community Foundation agrees. According to their website,, the mission of their Educational Pillar is to help produce, “The Finest Youth on the Planet!” Helping our youth find their way in the world and giving them as many educational opportunities as possible is at the…