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Twisted Trunks

My relationship with aspen trees is a bit of a love–hate affair. I love them in the mountains. I hate them in suburban landscapes. The trees themselves are lovely. The round leaves make the most wonderful noises as they clip and rustle like organic coins colliding in a summer breeze. The airy light that passes through an aspen glade on a summer afternoon feels spiritual, calming, and edifying. I am perpetually fascinated by the flaming display that ignites the mountain landscape in autumn. Vernal emergence of their foliage…

Günther Vonhaidenthaller

Everything comes down to contrast. Günther Haidenthaller points out the window at a car dealership across the street. “Look at the highlights off those two jeeps, and that cold, steely kind of stainless steel quality to the light.” He also indicates the snow-covered mountains further in the distance, pointing out the blue tones in the shadows and the warmer tones — the hint of cadmium yellow — where the sun shines. Günther is a man of contrasts. Born in Austria and raised mostly in Utah — two wildly different…