Explore a life-size replica of The Tabernacle from the Old Testament

Beloved members of the Heber North Stake,

As you have no doubt heard, the Tabernacle event is coming to our valley!  In preparation for our new Temple, having the Tabernacle event here in the Heber Valley is an amazing opportunity to share and experience the history of our Judeo-Christian faith, while driving positive interest in temple worship.

The Tabernacle missionaries in charge of the event emphasize that it’s really all about Jesus Christ.  The focus is on helping YSAs and youth prepare to make covenants, become deliberate disciples in the gathering of Israel, and become teachers and leaders in the Lord’s church.  The Tabernacle also provides opportunities to share the gospel through an interesting and educational historical experience.  Please plan to attend with family, friends and neighbors.

As this event travels around to various location, it is hosted and staffed by YSAs and youth (with appropriate adult support) from the local Stakes.  The 6 stakes in our Valley, plus Park City and Kamas, have each been assigned the task of staffing the event one full day from May 19th – 26th.  The Heber North Stake’s assigned date is Friday, May 19th.  However, you are welcome to attend the Tabernacle event any of the 8 days it will be in Heber.

Each day requires over 200 volunteers.  So each Ward in our Stake has already received a volunteer assignment to fill.  Please check with your ward leaders if you need more information.  Additional opportunities to volunteer include setup on May 18th and takedown on May 27th, as well as security and medical detail during the event.

There will be a Training Fireside hosted by our Stake on Sunday, May 7th at 7pm in the Heber North Stake Center.  The training will be led by our Stake YSA Committee members and is designed for the youth who have volunteered to serve (as well as parents or other adults who may have also volunteered to fill assignments).

There will also be a valley-wide Tabernacle Devotional for YSA and Youth on Wednesday, May 10th in the Midway Stake Center (see attached flyer).

Here is a link to the official site that promotes the Tabernacle Event so you can better understand what this event is all about.  https://www.tabernacleutah.com/

We are so very grateful for your willingness to serve and support this wonderful event.


President Paul Ritchie

President Dave Johnson

President Jasper Fauset

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