Sweet + Simple

I invite you to close your eyes for a moment and recall your favorite memories of the holidays from your childhood. Childhood has a wonderful way of reminding us that, as Laura Ingalls Wilder once said, “It is the sweet, simple things in life which are the real ones after all.” I learned this important lesson firsthand from my own children when they were very young. At the end of each day as I tucked them into bed, I would ask them what the best part of their day had been. Over time, I started to notice distinct…

Asked by Kids, Answered by Jill

We’ve all been there. You’re driving your oldest to soccer practice (10 minutes late because the shin guards were hidden in a basket of laundry), you’re stewing over a crunchy conversation you had with a coworker earlier that day and you just realized that you forgot to set out the frozen meat for dinner. Lost in your own little world, bouncing between thinking about the past and the future, you’re abruptly brought back to reality when one of your children asks, “Are you listening?”

Asked by Kids

When I think of “bad things” I divide them into two categories. The first being natural disasters such as floods, hurricanes and earthquakes. The second being stressful life events such as death, health issues or financial  struggles. If you are alive and breathing today, chances are you’ve been touched by at least one of  these things.

Asked by Kids

Jill Tuttle is the founder and owner of Mindful Humans, a company that is dedicated to teaching mindfulness to children, teachers, and families. Jill is available for private and group sessions and in-home parenting consultations. For more information on how to create mindful spaces and implement mindfulness practices into your daily lives, follow Mindful Humans on social media or check out her Children’s Yoga and Mindfulness Class Mondays: 4 and 5PM (ages 6-12) at Growing Light Montessori School in Midway.