Heber Half

Run For Autism Awareness

The Heber Half Run for Autism is an event that brings the community together in love and support toward those who have autism or know someone with autism.

Imagine Never Hearing Your Child Say, ‘I Love You.’

For Bryan’s mom, that was a real concern. Bryan wasn’t speaking and couldn’t maintain eye contact with others. After being diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Bryan began treatments with Kids On The Move’s Autism Center. Now, Bryan can point, use simple sign language, and even say a few words. Bryan’s first full sentence was trying to say, ‘I love you.’ To Bryan’s mom, that meant the world. “It brought tears to my eyes to hear my little boy, who I thought might not ever speak, verbalize an emotion as intense as love! He is making incredible progress in every area of development!”

Helping children like Bryan receive the support they need is why Kids On The Move partnered with Runtastic Events to create the annual Heber Half Run for Autism. This incredible race was the first run in Utah solely dedicated to the cause of autism. The inaugural Heber Half in 2018 was a fantastic success with over 1,100 runners throughout the state of Utah participating. Since that first race, the Heber Half has grown to include participants from across the country eager to help us spread awareness and share our mission. Heber Half Run for Autism’s mission is to bring awareness and understanding to the general public and provide resources to individuals with autism. Proceeds benefit Kids On The Move’s growing Autism Center.

3, 2, 1, Run. . .

By participating in the third annual Heber Half this June, you can bring a change to the life of thousands of children with autism and their families. Whether you are a competitive runner looking for your next personal record or a group of casual runners looking to support incredible individuals with autism, the Heber Half Run for Autism is one to put on your calendar! The race includes a half marathon, 5K, and an all-abilities half-mile run.

The half marathon — a fast, downhill course in the beautiful Heber Valley — is an excellent chance for runners to break their personal records while racing for a cause. The 5K is a family-friendly course, accepting both children in strollers and those wanting to run at a different pace. The All Abilities half-mile is perfect for those of any age or ability. Participants can dedicate their race bibs to an individual with autism close to their heart. As a special treat, the participant medals are collectible puzzle pieces that interlock over four years of races to reveal a special message about autism. The Heber Half even has a ‘Virtual Race’ option for individuals who would like the opportunity to receive race medals from past years.

The Heber Half Run for Autism is an event the whole family will enjoy. With many finish line activities (including the legendary blue foam party, interactions with princesses and superheroes, food trucks, bounce houses, a sensory bead pool, and more), there is plenty of space for kids to play and cheer on the runners. Be part of the Heber Half Run for Autism and start a new family tradition that will be both fun and meaningful.

Event date: Saturday, June 27, 2020  |  Learn more information at heberhalf.com
