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Learn how to Apply for TAP TAX Art Grant Money

In the spring of 2023, Heber City outlined a process by which two (2) advisory TAP Tax Committees were designated and established to assist the City Council and staff in the distribution of the newly approved TAP Tax for projects in the City. The City Council designated the existing Parks, Open Space, Trails, Trees (POSTT) Committee, and a new TAP Tax Advisory Arts Committee, as the two committees to assist in the allocation of two portions of the TAP Tax, both as recommending committees to the City Council.  The City…

Envision Central Heber: Stakeholder Workshops on November 30

Envision Central Heber is an opportunity to honor the heart of our region and City. We love Heber and want to take good care of it, ensuring it will flourish now and for future generations. Heber is growing, and in preparation, we're always planning. In 2020 Heber City approved the Envision Heber 2050 Vision and General Plan, which provides overall direction for the entire City. We're now focusing on Central Heber. We'll examine Main Street, surrounding neighborhoods, and a planned recreation and tourism district near the…