Heber Valley Corridor One Step Closer

The Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) is studying options to alleviate congestion on Main Street in Heber, and they are asking for public input. A public comment period will begin on August 27 and will close on September 26, 2020. There will also be a virtual meeting for the public on August 27, from 6:00 – 8:00 pm. Current information is availble on the website at https://hebervalleyeis.udot.utah.gov/.

The Heber Valley Parkway Corridor Planning Study was completed in 2019. It was determined then that further data and evaluation was needed. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) has now been initiated. This process will evaluate the possible impact of alternatives on natural and human environments.

The public, elected officials, agencies, and others are encouraged to consult with UDOT to identify the purpose and need for transportation action in the valley. UDOT will then create alternatives such as constructing new roads, reconfiguring Main Street, and improving other nearby roads. Each alternative will be examined for environmental impact.

Throughout the process, there will be many requests for public involvement. These include public meetings, public comment periods, a public hearing, and other engagement opportunities. The August 27th meeting will be part of the scoping for the project. Alternatives will be examined and a draft EIS will be created. Another public comment period will be held. Afterwards, UDOT will identify a preferred option, and a final EIS will be prepared. A decision regarding Main Street and Highway 40 could be determined by 2023.

During the public comment period, input may be submitted through the website, email, voicemail, or by sending a letter. More information can be found here: https://hebervalleyeis.udot.utah.gov/.

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