Midway Volksmarch
10:00 to 1:00 Rain or Shine. 75 N 100 W, Midway, UT. Festivities at Midway Town Square – including live music and food trucks.
Our 5th annual Volksmarch – a non-competitive walk, will start promptly at 10:00am being led out by Ely the Fresian Horse. This year’s main route will be along Snake Creek on a parcel of land that has been walking the path to a conservation easement. Utah Open Lands will join Preserve Midway in planning the details for this year’s main route. The Main Street historical route will continue with the help of Midway Historical Preservation Committee’s historical stories and facts marking the way.
What is a Volksmarch?
Traditional German dress, cow bells, Stocknagel walking sticks, and live music will highlight a walk through Midway’s historic homes and rural areas.
Volksmarch is German for “people’s march.”
A Volksmarch is a European tradition where they would invite other townspeople to come and view their town and see what was so special about their town. It’s a great event that invites all people to come see why Midway is special to us and to also see why Midway is worth preserving.
Proceeds from the event will benefit open space conservation efforts through Preserve Midway.
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