2020 Year-End Real Estate Market Recap

I know, I know! Why would we want to revisit 2020 when we are so glad to be over it and pushing ahead for a better 2021? I don’t know about you, but I want my rear-view mirror to have cute little bobbles dangling from it instead of my assortment of face masks. Regardless, 2020 as it pertains to Utah Real Estate is something to marvel at. It’s nothing like we have ever seen. Low available inventory, record home sales, record sold prices, and exponential homebuilding increases. Utah has had the fastest growth rate over…

Booming Real Estate

In early March 2020, we all received a crash course on COVID, whether we liked it or not. As quarantine, business shutdowns, and required masks became the new norm; it became abundantly clear how reliant we all truly are on each other. Assessing the four necessities of life became front and center: food, water, clothing, and shelter (and apparently toilet paper).